New N.I. Medical (2011) Ltd (“NI Medical”)

Privacy Policy


NI Medical’s Privacy Policy for user information collected from NI Medical’s website (“Website”) and online services (“Online Services”) is as follows:


The voluntary nature of providing user information through

NI Medical’s website and Online Services

Users of NI Medical’s Website and Online Services are under no duty or legal obligation to provide any data, personal or other, to NI Medical.

However, entering the user’s information is required for the purpose of identifying the user as NI Medical’s client, and for granting access to NI Medical’s Knowledge Center which is reserved for its clients only.

Any data provided is subject to the user’s discretion, and will be provided at the user’s free will and free choice, and subject to the user’s explicit consent.


User’s information protection rights

Your information protection rights are as follows:

  • You have no duty to provide any information to NI Medical.
  • Any information you provide to NI Medical is voluntary, at your free will, at your choice, subject to your discretion;
  • You have the right to change your mind and redraw your consent to NI Medical to keep your information at any time.
  • Subject to confirming your identity:
    • You have the right to request NI Medical to erase any information you provided, including your name, email, and professional role in the organization from its database.

Please note your information may be kept outside NI Medical’s database for its records, to satisfy legal requirements NI Medical is subject to.

  • You have the right to request NI Medical to provide a copy of your information kept on its database. You may choose to transfer a copy of your information to a third party.
  • NI Medical shall not transfer your information to any third party.
  • You have the right to request NI Medical to correct, complete, update or delete your information.
  • You have the right to request NI Medical to restrict the processing of your name, territory, and role in your organization.
  • You have the right to change your mind and redraw your consent to NI Medical to keep your information at any time.
  • NI Medical may not collect user’s information, other than the information stated, without the user’s consent.
  • NI Medical may not use user’s information for purposes other than those stated, without the user’s consent.

If you make a request to exercise one of these rights, NI Medical shall respond to you within one month.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact NI Medical by email or call 1-800-979-2904.

You have the right to seek legal remedy against NI Medical in Israel, if you believe your requests regarding your personal information weren’t met.


User information collected in NI Medical’s database

NI Medical collects the following information when entered by a user, in its database:

  • The name the user provided;
  • The email address the user provided;
  • The name of the organization the user provided;
  • The territory of the organization the user provided;
  • The professional role of the user in the organization the user provided.

NI Medical may keep data which includes the product and the services the user and organization received from NI Medical, which was not provided by the user.

NI Medical may record the dates and times in which the organization or user logged in to NI Medical’s website.


The purposes and usage of user’s information in NI Medical’s database

NI Medical may use the data received from a user as follows:

  • To verify the user’s identity or the client’s identity in order to grant it access to NI Medical’s Online Services and to NI Medical’s Knowledge Center;
  • To manage the client’s account;
  • To process the client’s orders;
  • To perform internal statistical analysis for NI Medical’s use;
  • To email the client or user information and updates regarding NI Medical’s products and services.
  • To email the client or user marketing offers regarding NI Medical’s products and services.
  • NI Medical shall not sell user’s information to any third party.
  • NI Medical shall not discriminate users based on their choice not to provide information, or based on the information the user provided. However, users who do not provide their consent will not be able to access the Knowledge Center, for technical reasons.


Collection of user information by NI Medical

NI Medical collects the information the user provides when it registers to NI Medical’s Online Services through NI Medical’s Website.

NI Medical does not subject your personal information to any profiling or automatic decision making.

NI Medical might keep user’s information when received by phone, fax, or in person.



NI Medical may use the user’s information to send the user information and updates about NI Medical’s products and services.

The user has the right to ask NI Medical to refrain from contacting it for marketing purposes at any time, by contacting NI Medical and opting out of marketing mailings.


The storage of user information in NI Medical’s database

NI Medical’s users’ database is stored securely at its facilities.

NI Medical may keep in its database the user’s name, email address, organization, territory, and professional role as long as the company operates.

NI Medical may delete the data collected, or individual data in its database according to its needs.


Privacy policies of other websites

NI Medical’s website contains links to other websites. NI Medical’s privacy policy applies only to NI Medical’s website, so if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy.


Changes to NI Medical’s privacy policy

NI Medical keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on October 2021


How to contact NI Medical

If you have any questions about NI Medical’s privacy policy, the data NI Medical holds on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact NI Medical:


Telephone 1-800-979-2904 Fax 1-888-724-2926